Index of /~frontier/2015/150314/data/mag/graph
= data
== gt730.csv
GPS data
(GPS reciever is NOT attached to magnetometer)
== gt0315.csv
This file is created by the following command:
$ cat gt730.csv | grep 03/15 > gt0315.csv
== gps20150315.csv
GPS data
(GPS reciever is attached to magnetometer)
Although "gps20150315.csv" does not contain time data, we determine the data aquisition time by comparing "gps20150315.csv" and "gt0315.csv".
Line 290 = 20:20:20 GMT
Line 291 = 20:20:25 GMT
== mag20150315c.txt
magnetmeter data
This file is created from "20150315c.fpc" (header is removed).
== mag20150315d.txt
magnetmeter data
This file is created from "20150315d.fpc" (header is removed).
== mag20150315e.txt
magnetmeter data
This file is created from "20150315e.fpc" (header is removed).
= create figure
== GPS data with 1 sec interval
$ g95 src/gps1sec.f
$ ./a.out < data/gps20150315.csv > gps.dat
=== "gps.dat"
Line 1 = 21:00:01
Line 2 = 21:00:02
== Mag data
$ g95 src/magdat1.f
$ ./a.out < data/mag20150315c.txt > mag1.dat
$ g95 src/magdat2.f
$ ./a.out < data/mag20150315d.txt > mag2.dat
$ g95 src/magdat3.f
$ ./a.out < data/mag20150315e.txt > mag3.dat
$ cat mag1.dat mag2.dat mag3.dat > mag.dat
== Mag + GPS data
$ g95 src/maggps.f
$ ./a.out > maggps.dat
(maggps.f reads "gps.dat" and "mag.dat".)
== Draw figure
$ ./src/
"maggps.eps" is created.